Item specifics
Item Type:
Grow Lights
Brand Name:
Body Material: Size: dia 12cm high12,5cm
Married Diamond Lens
Power Source:
Model Number:
Product Line:
2w Diamond Grow Generation
Full Spectrum:
660nmRed + 630nmRed + 450nmBlue + 525nmGreen + 7000kWhite
Product Description
24W epistar led grow light for flowers medical mj grow room box,
hydroponics systems, greenhouse, indoor
The optimal lighting for your plants.
Advantages of LED - LIGHT:
The Benefits of LED Grow Lights are obvious. SAVINGS:
Each home breeder of plants irradiated with the conventional sodium / HID lights, only has to think about his electricity bill. Most of them start to cry, because the most common types of lamps consume 400 to 600W and usually they need a few of these energy guzzlers.
But also because of the low heat it can help to save power and water! Conventional growth lamps produce a lot of heat due to evaporation and therefore must be poured very much. When using LED Grow Lights your water consumption will significantly reduce your irrigation systems, water-pumps work less. The same goes for fans, blowers, air conditioning, in short all the devices you use for your plants, consume less energy.
The long life of LEDs results in a further saving. With daily use, LEDs last about 10 years. In the same period, you would need about 6 NDLs, replace one or two starters and two capacitors .... and again you will spend about 400, - EUR per lamp ... of course ...
Larger LUX - yield. As LEDs can be adjusted just above the plants emit low heat. It thus follows ... small distance, greater illumination! Here it is important every cm.
By the optical lenses of this lamp, light-hungry plants grow sufficiently to a height of
100cm (Lowryder) if they fit into the 60 ° cone of light that produces this lamp.
LED GROWTH LAMPS consume about 75% less power than sodium vapor - lamps, with the same result ...
The chlorophyll molecule is a green plant pigment (pigment molecule) that serves the plant as a kind of "antenna", with which they can absorb the sun's energy to combine carbon dioxide and water to carbohydrates.
This dye consists of two components:
The blue-green chlorophyll a and the yellow-green chlorophyll b.
Chlorophyll a (molecule of the reaction center) is responsible for energy conversion, chlorophyll b, however, has been allocated by mother nature purely the job of light collection
Chlorophyll a is most active at 410 to 430nm and 662nm to,
Chlorophyll b on the other hand "collects" at 453nm and 642nm, most of photons.
Carotene 472nm 525nm + 570nm phycoerythrin and phycocyanin 605nm are in the green zone is active (see -absorption spectrum above) - and they play for the health of your plants and their vitamin content often an important role.